Stair Carpet Cleaning

Stair Carpet Cleaning

Stair Carpet Cleaning
up to $79

We offer stair carpet cleaning services for all types of stairs, including straight, curved, and winding staircases. Our skilled technicians clean your stairs by using top-of-the-line products and cutting-edge methods to get rid of dirt, dust, and other debris. We'll vacuum each step carefully and then use a deep-cleaning solution to make sure that all deep-seated dirt is gone. We will also use specialized tools to gently remove any tough stains, and deodorize your stairs to leave them looking and smelling fresh, using human and pet-friendly products. Our team is dedicated to providing quality service and leaving your stairs looking like new.

Note: The service price will depend on the length of the stairs, with 10+ steps costing $79 for the service.

How Can We Help You Today?

If you want to discuss details for a special service, or you would like to schedule an appointment, contact us through this form, and we'll respond as soon as possible.

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